Things I Loved In March (2019)

march for me was filled with a ton of uni-related work and adulting (moving out, working, etc), so this list might be a little bit short! granted, i did find some new amazing things this month that i'm excited to share with you all!


Lana Del Rey

i have been completely obsessed with lana del rey lately!! her songs are so diverse with so much character in them. her voice is so soothing, and her music makes you feel like you're floating in an endless abyss ~ and they have so much emotion in them. her songs have the kind of lyrics that you want tattooed on your body (i definitely want one tattoed somewhere on my upper body. i think it'll look really pretty <3 ).

Track list:

  • Young and Beautiful (i've been a fan of this song ever since it came out, but i only came to really appreciate the lyrics and ldr's voice sometime last month when i came across the song on youtube,  during one of those angsty nights you often have as a student :') )
  • Off To the Races (this one has soooo much character! i love it. it's so steamy and languid)
  • Cherry
  • Freak
  • Without You (Demo Version) 
  • Radio
  • Born To Die




i feel so blessed and grateful to be able to receive my most coveted items of all time for my birthday <3 i called her Venus (credits to @lauramaria8386 on instagram for the name suggestion!!) and i've been writing so much with her. i'm scared i'll run out of ink on my ribbon soon (and i have no idea where to get a new one :( if you know where to scout for one do let me know!!) so i'm trying to savor every letter i type out! i love the outcome that this beauty produces. venus is everything my 13 year old bookworm soul ever wanted <3



Poncho Blanket

i was having a horrible start to what was supposed to be a little outing with my sisters, so i decided to stay at home while they went out to grab lunch and have fun together. my sisters were so thoughtful to buy me the warmest, most softest poncho blanket from uniqlo ever! <3 it's a blanket that can be wrapped around your shoulder and fastened with buttons (like a poncho, essentially). it's getting a little chilly here in perth, so i've been wearing it non-stop! pair it with tea and a good book or film, and you'll have the best cozy session <3



Rose Gold accented Ring

this one's another birthday gift from my mom <3 this particular ring fits my index finger so well. it's so hard for me to find beautiful rings that fit my fingers (most of the rings i come across are uber pretty - but way too big for me :( ), so when my mom surprised me with this lil beaut i nearly bawled!! :( <3 can you imagine how difficult it is to buy myself a ring, let alone having someone else buy me one?? my mom is a sorceress. she just knows!

i've been using this ring every time i head out. i get so many compliments on it too. i can't blame them - she's the softest, most dainty baby i own <3



Kiki's Delivery Service Planner

okay at this point, all my favorites seem to be gifts from family xD i use a planner every year but i never seem to stick with them. most of my planners only last for a couple of months because i get lazy to fill it up, but this one is just so handy and practical! i think it goes to show that bullet journaling, personally, requires so much time and creative drive (both of which i don't have much of on a daily basis, sadly), so this time i'm not going overboard with the aesthetics of my planner and just going with the contents that came with the planner. (picture, picture). it's quick, compact, and keeps my life organised! i love it!




What are some things you've been loving lately? Let me know!

xx Cath


Book Review: The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


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