Books I (FINALLY) Want To Get Into This Year!

hi everyone! it's been a while :') lots of stuff happened lately in life, so i'm sorry i haven't been updating on here! nonetheless, there are lots of amazing books this year (new and old) that i am keen on reading! some of them i've been wanting to read for years now, and i thought that i'd finally push myself to actually read and pick them up this year by showing the list to you guys! :)

The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern (!!!!)


if you can't tell by the exaggerated amount of exclamation marks next to the book title, i am E X C I T E D for morgenstern's new book!! after re-reading the night circus last year, i've been obsessed with her writing. i read the night circus about 4 years ago and, though i enjoyed the book, i didn't feel as deeply connected to the story as i did the second time round. so with that said, i have been a fan of morgenstern's work for a while now, and knowing that she has a new book after YEARS, i'm stoked. so, so stoked. stoked is an underestimation T_T i need it in my hands now!! the book looks and sounds so beautiful too <3 i have high hopes!!


The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo


fair warning - there are a few bardugo novels coming up in this post. but honestly, who can blame me? she's queen! <3 i loveeee the six of crows duology (now a trilogy omG) so i think it's time i pick up her OG grisha verse trilogy, where it all started! i hear that it's a solid series, so i'm definitely going to pick it up this year, also because i want to prepare myself before reading...


King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo


see, i CAN just go into king of scars before diving into the grisha verse trilogy... but this reader don't take no shortcuts! i want the full experience! i WILL finish the trilogy before reading nikolai's story. i hear such great things about this book (honestly, i think all of bardugo's novels are well-loved). i'm pumped!


Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo


again with bardugo! she's on a roll this year with all the fantastic grisha news and new releases. this book has something to do with an elite society in yale university?? it sounds deliciously dark and gritty, which is what barduo writes best! also, that cover is super sexy :o


The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang


here's an adult fiction i'm just dying to read! this book is all over bookstagram, and it's been deemed a favorite by sooo many bookstagrammers that i look up to. i love me an awkward love story about an intelligent woman. apparently it's really steamy too, so if you're looking to pick this one up - keep that in mind!!


The Shadow of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón


after posting a picture of the night circus on my instagram (accompanied by this book right here), almost everyone had something to say about the shadow of the wind! apparently it's up there with the night circus, and that both have similar atmospheric writing with an enigmatic, magical, and intriguing plot. so of course, i just had to pick it up!! i'm currently reading it now - so if you want updates on my reading progress, do find me on instagram!


The Bear and The Nightingale by Katherine Arden


one thing about me that most of you probably don't know is that I LOVE russian themes. i watched a turkish drama series about two years ago and i've fallen in love with russia and their history ever since then (the film is Kurt Seyit ve Şura). anastasia is another russian-influenced film that sparked my love for russian stories, so hearing about this russian folklore trilogy instantly piqued my interest! that being said, since the third book in the trilogy is out, i have no excuse but to binge read the whole thing now!


what are some books (old and new) that you're looking forward to reading this year? let me know in the comments below! i hope you all enjoyed this blog post - until next time!

cath xx


Things I Loved In March (2019)


Book Review: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern