Favorite YA Authors!

i've been a YA reader for a long time and i don't think i've ever shared with you guys some of favorite authors! there are tons of authors out there whose works i adore, but i've narrowed it down to six! of course, as i read more books, this list will undoubtedly expand xD but for now here are my favorite YA authors!



renee ahdieh has some of the most diverse books with kickass female protagonists. her writing is mesmerising, and her stories are the kinds that stick with you for a long, LONG time. the wrath and the dawn was my favorite book of 2015, i've yet to read the rose and the dagger (i know, i know. i just really want them in physical copies so i can annotate them! >.< ), and flame in the mist is not necessarily my fave but still bOMB.

REVIEW for The Wrath and The Dawn

REVIEW for The Flame In The Mist



quite possibly my favorite author EVER. now i just need the lunar chronicles series in hardback and my life would be complete xD <3 i can't stress you enough how amazing her books are. they're so character-driven yet the world building and plot are super immersive. heartless is one of my favorite books this year and her lunar chronicles is my favorite for LIFE. if you haven't already picked up any of her books, i promise you, one way or another, you will fall in love with them. also, i know some of you might not be the biggest fan of the first book cinder (i'm a huge fan, but that's besides the point), but do continue with scarlet, cress, and so on!! reading this series is like an adventure. honestly, these characters will be your children. their happiness is yours. their sadness, yours. and their struggles? YOURS. it's a roller coaster, and again, i promise, you it's worth the ride.

Lunar Chronicles REVIEW

Heartless REVIEW



i know these books are well known for how cliche and flawed they are, but these were my very first contemporary books. and sure, they're not perfect, but then again they are mean to be lighthearted. warm. funny. the kind of books that makes you feel all giddy and happy. they have their quirks too, which i really like. they're very original, and at times, real. oh so real. my favorite out of the tiro is isla and the happily ever after, mainly because of how 'flawed' the characters are. some might find isla annoying, but i find her relatable. human. give this series a try! <3



francesca zappia is a magical author. why? because all it took was ONE BOOK to declare her my favorite contemporary author. made you up was absolutely amazing. i've urged all my friends to read it and whilst their emotions towards the book aren't as strong as mine (fangirl alert xD ) there was a word they all used in common: unique. and i agree wholeheartedly. it has the kind of characters, romance, friendship, and connection you fall hard for. i've yet to read eliza and her monsters, but i will soon. i just have to!

Made You Up REVIEW




i can't deny that i haven't been keeping up to date with this series, but the first two books will always have a special place in my heart. dorothy must die is, in my opinion, one of the best books i've ever read. honestly, it exceeded my expectations by ten folds. it's exciting, crazy, and gory. GORY! and these covers are one of my favorites ever. danielle m. paige deserves more praise for this series, (or at least for dorothy must die).



ryan graudin is one of those hidden gem of an author who you do not want to share with anyone else (despite how much praise she deserves). and not to mention a second 'magical' author! wolf by wolf is fresh, unique, and captivating. again, i've yet to read the second book in the series (and again... still waiting for the day i bring myself to buy the sequel in hardback!), but i know i'll love it. in one word, graudin is brilliant. lots of political intrigue, betrayal, and girl power involved. also a hint of romance. the best kind, too! i urge you to pick up her books.


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