Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag!

My Fall themed post game going strong xD I can't remember where I saw this tag, but I do know the that the creator of this book tag is Sam's Nonsense on Youtube! The questions were all so creative and I thought it'd be fun to do it :D

Crunching Leaves: The world is full of color - choose a book that had reds/oranges/yellows on the cover


*heart eyes* I've been dying to read this! I've heard nothing but amazing things about the story and how everything was absolutely magical. I'm waiting for the right time to splurge on the UK hardback edition. :'D

Cozy Sweater - It's finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing: what book gives you the warm fuzzies?


Warm fuzzies? Say no more! This was my most recent read and I LOVED IT TO BITS! I have a review of it here if you're interested, but essentially it's a refreshing Contemporary Adult Fiction. My first one actually! I highly enjoyed (and recommend) it <3

Fall Storm: The wind is howling & the rain is pounding - choose your favorite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day


This is the perfect stormy day read (plus the question matches the cover ;) ). I rave about this book non stop and I plan to continue shoving this book up on people's faces. READ IT. IT'S AMAZING. IT'S MY FAVORITE BOOK OF ALL TIME. Make yourself some hot cocoa, gather some fuzzy blankets, light up some candles, prepare some snacks (and tissues if you have a light heart). DEVOUR THIS BOOK. You're welcome.

Cool Crisp Air: What's the coolest character you'd want to trade places with?


I love Celia from The Night Circus! She's a talented illusionist and It'd be great if I could switch places with her and witness the magic that happens in the circus. <3

Hot Apple Cider: What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?


I honestly don't see this book enough on social media. It needs to be talked about more often! This book honestly have everything a bookworm ever wanted anymore. Assassins, magic, thievery, sword fighting, sex, and a shadow cat?! It's pure brilliance. The writing takes a while to get used to and the world building is pretty heavy bUT! It's all worth it. Please read it! :'D

 Coat, Scarves, and Mittens - The weather has turned cold & it's time to cover up,What's the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?


As much as I enjoyed this book (and Gray's tight pecs), this cover should be banned from the public :lol: All eyes will undoubtedly be on this cover to swoon and drool over before they glare at me with judgemental eyes xD It's going to be super awkward carrying this book around. Jokes aside, it was a great book!

Pumpkin Spice: What's your favorite Fall time comforts food/foods?


This is a super boring answer but tea is my go-to comfort beverage because it warms me to my toes :3 I don't really have a comfort food.. Maybe a Snickers bar? xD

Warm, Cozy Bonfire: Spread the cozy warmth - Who do you tag?

I tag my fellow Aussie blogger friends who are also under the influence of this cozy season! @adoptabookaus @thechroniclesofdanielle @paperfury@floralinkbooks @headinherbooks

Anyone is free to do this tag! I hope you enjoyed reading this post :D

Cath xx


Late March Bookhaul + Wrap Up!


March Favorites!