March Favorites!

March was actually such a great month <3 I discovered loads of amazing new things and I can't wait to share them with you all!


Close Enough To Touch by Colleen Oakley


I've talked about this book quite often as of lately and I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon xD Long story short, this book follows a woman who's allergic to humans. Yep. Oh, and there's a man involved. And lots of awkward, dorky cuteness. I LOVE IT. I have a review of this book here if you're interested (Spoiler free, of course!). Would highly recommend reading this <3



(Pray) I'll Be Your Man - BTOB


I'm obsessed with this song :') I don't exactly stan BTOB but after listening to this I might as well.. the rappers and the vocals are sooo talented! I have a soft spot for Peniel as well as Changsub. This song is my jAM. There's so much emotion. I loooove watching them performing this song live. So mesmerising <3





Over The Garden Wall


This was such a weird show not going to lie, but towards the end it just got so much better. I love the colors (also the soundtrack oMG). It seems like nothing make sense when you watch it but there's actually a deeper meaning to the story and everything just connects and ugh. So good. If you're a fan of Gravity Falls, I highly recommend this show as It's very similar in a way that it's sort of dark and grim, but has its funny moments too.



Fantastic Mr Fox


If you guys didn't know, there is a book-to-movie adaption for (one of my all time fave books) Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox by Wes Anderson! This was my first Wes Anderson film and definitely not my last! I love the colors he used in this film. He's very well known for his 90 degree camera angle shots and honestly he captures each scene brilliantly. The movie is not entirely like the book but it was pretty faithful. I LOVE Mr Fox. I live for his mischievous, snarky personality :D





Krist & Yu - Youtuber

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I don't think I've ever included a Social Media icon before but I couldn't help it. O am honestly obsessed with Krist & Yu's videos on Youtube! I think she's super creative! I'm a new a fan and her videos are all so well done. Her Japan vlogs are the best things ever. It makes me want to visit Japan even more :')

Book Warrior - Book sleeve



My Book Warrior is a freaking life saver. I've alway wanted one ever since they became a thing! <3 I got mine from Book Warrior and it's the 'Flower' design. Laura is an absolutely sweetie, I highly recommend checking her shop out. She's adding lots of cute designs! You can use my code 'bookishsmaug10' for 10% off your order! :)


Hope you enjoyed reading this post! Let me know some of your favorites in the comments!

Have a great day everyone,

Cath xx


Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag!


Books I Want To Read This Fall🍁🍂