I Heart #Bookstagram Tag!♡

Saw this tag over at Nihaad's (Read & Seek) blog and honestly it looks like such a fun tag to do! Bookstagram was where all my love for books started and I've never made a better choice in my life! xD It's safe to say that I do <3 Bookstagram loads!

What’s your Instagram handle?

@Bookishsmaug !

How long have you been in the bookstagram community?

2 years and counting <3

How many people do you follow?


How many followers do you have?


What are your favorite hashtags?

#bookstagram, #bibliophile, #bookworm, #reading

What is your favorite genre of pictures?

I love all kinds, but I really appreciate pictures that look like they were taken on the spot. Not sure why xD They just look messy and sometimes messy is beautiful! Some examples:


credit: @herpickings


credit: @lottelikesbooks


credit: thebookranter

How often do you post?

I try to post once a day! But with school in the way I barely ever have the time to take bookish pictures >.<

How often do you check Instagram?

Everyday! I prefer to scroll through my feed at night because I can't work social media early in the morning xD

What’s your favorite filter?

HB2 on VSCo <3

iPhone only, purist or rebel?

Not sure what this question means.. ^^' I use an iPhone6 to take my pictures? xD

What is the best part about being in this community?

The diversity <3 It's soooo lovely to see everyone getting along - no matter what skin, race, gender, values, beliefs, anyone who loves to talk books is welcome! The bookstagram community is such a peaceful place to be in protect it at all cost  and you just can't help but feel like every bookstagrammer is family to you. Most bookstagrammers out there are like me; shy, introverted and nerdy, so conversing with them online makes our lives simpler and, quite honestly, that much more exciting! We all learn SO much from this community and, seriously, bookstagram means everything to me <3

What is the worst part about being in this community?

Nothing much to hate about, just those pesky follow for follow/ shoutout for shoutouts *eye roll*

Three favorite IG accounts currently?

@read_and_seek I love Nihaad's enthusiasm for discovering new books <3 Makes me want to read all the books in the world!

@hayleelikesbooks Haylee's pictures are to die for. <3 She makes bookstagramming look so easy O.o

@bookhoarderproblems I am pretty much obsessed with Zyra's account. She puts in SO much effort in her pictures. I want her funko pop collection :o <3

Sorry if that was really boring guys xD the questions were fairly straightforward and I didn't want to babble too much ^^' I do hope you got to know my bookstagram account better! If you haven't already have a bookstagram account, what are you waiting for? Go sign up now! There's a whole new adventure waiting for you on the other side of that door ;)

Cath xx


Romance Books Recommendation! ♡


Journal Updates #7 [DRAWINGS!]