Journal Updates #7 [DRAWINGS!]

Hello again, friends! I'm back with another Journal Update!! I'm finally getting around to my new journal and I can't wait to show you what I've done with it :) If you're following my Instagram, then you've probably seen most of what's included in my journal, but I always like to go into detail with what I do and why I do it so hence this blog post! :) Alrighty, enough rambling for now - let's get on to my journal!


First entry!! This was the day before I left for Indonesia (hooome <3 ) and I guess I was in a really good mood that day xD I thanked God for being with me through the rocky road that is 2016 in Australia (new school, new life, new environment - it's really scary!) and for my family who's been supporting me through and through <3


November spread <3 I drew a picture of myself (in airport fashion xD ) and added paper trinkets (an airplane ticket, two movie tickets and a target receipt that came with the purchase of this journal :D )


Here's an entry for when I watched Fantastic Beast and The BFG for the first time (and completely LOVE it!) Watching The BFG on the ride back to Indonesia made me feel so nostalgic, and Fantastic Beast was just pure brilliance!! <3 These two films made it to my November faves too ;)


Sooo my mom and my sister went to Europe along with our cousin and they brought back some of the coolest souvenir ever!! <3 They even went on to collect little trinkets on the way :') Most of them aren't pictured here but I stuck anything I could on my journal and wrote my gratitude for them <3


I watched Fantastic Beasts twice (once with my mom, and another time with my nerd buds ;) ) and I actually loved it more the second time round! Albeit being a HP fan, my mom didn't quite enjoy Fantastic Beasts, but my friends and I went crazy over the film, what with the HP references, the beasts and of course the cinammon roll that is Newt Scamander <3 <3


I love writing entries after watching an anime <3 They always leave me feeling super emotional, and what better way than to write them (or draw them) on paper? :D I finished Lovely Complex within the month and couldn't help but bring the characters back to life in my drawings. I love the series. I had sooo much to say about it to0. It's basically a contemporary romance about a tall girl and a short boy. :) Love the concept! Totally knocks out the flawless male and female falling in love stereotype!


I have no idea how on EARTH people draw hands. They're the hardest things to draw >.< Anyways, this entry is dedicated to Allied, the movie starring Brad Pitt and Marion Cotillard. <3 I really liked the film and I wrote down a short review of it :D

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I rarely ever write reviews in my journal, but when it comes to a book I just have way too much to say, I write them out. In this case, I wrote four pages of review for Made You Up (my favorite book of 2o17!) I do this cause a) i'm afraid I'll forget what I have to say and b) it's much easier to plan before publishing it. I might try to do this more often, actually!


Birthday entry!! <3 I turned 17 on December and my friends surprised me and got me loads of cool gifts and ahhh it was an amazing day <3 I glued a small paper bag to my journal and I slipped in a letter from one of my friends, so I can read it anytime I want :)



I went to Bali for a week!! 8-) I didn't have much time to properly journal but whenever I do I only write down highlights of each day. It was such a fun trip! I had my first Acai bowl (LOVED IT <3 ), went out to sea, shopped and relaxed. T'was a fun trip! :D


I came home to the news of a family member's passing, but luckily there was no change in plane schedule. We headed back to Jakarta and went to give our blessings. It was a quite week for all of us.


Fast forward to happier days :) Christmas!! My family don't actually celebrate Christmas but this year they went full out! My mom always makes sure to give us gifts though :D She got me the cutest Christmas onesie and I had a family gathering where we all exchanged gifts and had lunch together. Some couldn't make it but it was a memorable day and I hope to spend Christmas with the full gang next year <3


New year came by in a flash and I was feeling super motivated that night XD I wrote about my anxiety, struggles and goals and it literally empowered me after writing out my thoughts. The one reason why I love to journal, to be honest. It soothes your mind and get it on gear at the same time!


First entry of the new year! I ranted about Sherlock and talked about a baby I met in a temple on New Years eve. I won't go into detail with the baby but let's just say it was an unforgettable day :)


I remember I was ranting so hard in this entry XD It's been years since I've wanted to learn how to write a bike and I only got around to doing so recently. I was frustrated, bruised all over and tired. Not to mention tears were actually falling when I decided to stop and start again the next day (so much for being a mature 17 year old XD ). I debated over my mental, emotional and physical stability and immediately I felt better for myself. Trying hard isn't worth it if you plan on giving up - one thing I learned from teaching myself how to ride a bike :)


This one was quite a spontaneous entry. My mom took me and my sister to a really fancy dinner that night and I swear I had a food coma after trying out the dessert table. It was amazing! I'm not a foodie by any means but when it comes to dessert, I can raid the whole table XD


Another one of my long book reviews! This one goes to Heartless, my first read of 2017. I was heart stricken after reading the book so I took out my pen and journal and started writing right away.


I Heart #Bookstagram Tag!♡


Mini Book Reviews: LGBT Themed Books!