Mini Book Reviews: LGBT Themed Books!

I've been wanting to catch up on books I've not written a review for so I'm starting this series called 'Mini Book Reviews' where I'll include my rating, thoughts and the synopsis of the book, just shorter! I got this idea from Crime by the Book and I think it's a great way for readers to just skim through the short reviews instead of reading a long blog post for it. I'm not sure how to spread the blog posts evenly so do bare with me while I think of a way to organize them! I don't feel like dedicating a whole blogpost for just one book so I'm doing them by group instead. I hope everything makes sense! I'll be doing this only until I've caught up with all the books I've not written reviews for :)

So here goes! My first mini book review will consist of three LGBT themed books:

1. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma


Rating:  4/5 stars


She is pretty and talented - sweet sixteen and never been kissed. He is seventeen; gorgeous and on the brink of a bright future. And now they have fallen in love. But... they are brother and sister.


The writing style of this book is flawless. The writer emanates so much emotion in the story that it makes the characters come to life. I, as a reader, can see myself taking their place and feeling all the burden and pain that are constantly revolving around them. Though the problems can be a bit exaggerative and repetitive, I can see why the characters reacted the way they did, and that just adds to the realistic feel of this book.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It was executed perfectly and I couldn't have ended it any better. I'd recommend this book for mature YA readers. A dose of Tabitha Suzuma's writing would get get you reeled in right away, I guarantee it.

2. I'll Give You The Sun by Jandy Nelson


Rating: 4.5/5 stars


This story is told in two POV's, one from a 13 year old Noah and the other from a 16 year old Jude - twins who were inseparable during their thirteen years together, but things bring them apart and three years later it's like they barely know each other.


This book has everything - character development, friendship, grief, this book offers everything to everyone. The book got me flipping the pages like mad, I could be laughing at some point and screaming at another - that being said, the characters in the book are achingly beautiful in every possible way. Their flaws are what makes them SO real and human, and everything else revolving around them is just so realistic like you don't even have to imagine it anymore, it's like you're actually there yourself.

Jandy Nelson's writing was incredibly witty and beautiful. I love how she's able to switch emotions well during certain events and just throughout the story in general. I HIGHLY recommend this book.

3. My Heart and Other Black Holes by Jasmine Warga


Rating: 4.5/5 stars


Aysel is a 'science nerd' who drowns herself in her own thoughts thinking about her life. She's been judged by what her dad has done and has been depressed ever since. She then finds a guy over on the web (Roman) and they established each other as 'Suicide Partners' where they plot their death together.


This was my first book with suicide as its subject, and boy did I not regret picking it up. Going blind through the book made the story just as heart-wrenching - and yes, that's a good thing.

This book, oh man, it was beautiful, tragic, sweet, lovely, and anything positive. It emanates lightness and darkness and has everything in store for all readers. Loved it! I recommend everyone to read it!

That's it for today! I hope you enjoyed reading this post :) If you've read any of these, let me know some of your thoughts!

Cath xx


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