Book Review: Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

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Title: Dark Matter

Author: Blake Crouch

Rating: 5/5 distorted stars

Release date: July 26th 2016

Publisher: Crown Publishing

Goodreads' Synopsis:

“Are you happy with your life?” Those are the last words Jason Dessen hears before the masked abductor knocks him unconscious. Before he awakens to find himself strapped to a gurney, surrounded by strangers in hazmat suits. Before a man Jason’s never met smiles down at him and says, “Welcome back, my friend.”

In this world he’s woken up to, Jason’s life is not the one he knows. His wife is not his wife. His son was never born. And Jason is not an ordinary college physics professor but a celebrated genius who has achieved something remarkable--something impossible.Is it this world or the other that’s the dream? And even if the home he remembers is real, how can Jason possibly make it back to the family he loves? The answers lie in a journey more wondrous and horrifying than anything he could’ve imagined—one that will force him to confront the darkest parts of himself even as he battles a terrifying, seemingly unbeatable foe.


I can't quite find a word that suits this novel. It'd be an understatement to call this book MIND-BLOWING and UTTERLY EXCITING. It's SO much more than that. Seriously, how does the author do it? Crouch grabs your attention right at the very beginning and does NOT let you go until the very end. Ladies and gents, this book has made it to my favorite books of 2016 list.

I'm so glad I went into the book blind (except for the fact that it's a Sci-fi/Thriller/Love story mashup), I was at the edge of my seat flipping through those pages to see what happens next. The story starts off just like any other contemporary would - a normal day at home, preparing dinner for your family when you decide to meet up with your colleague out in a bar just to let your meal cool, and then all of a sudden things get insane and crazy! It's like there's a craze-o-meter built inside the story - as you progress things get ugly and twisted and you can't tell what's real and what's fake anymore!

Crouch has such a way with words -The suspense and thrill, the horrific truth that lies within Science and the actually story... gosh, he knows just how to make you squirm and writhe (no i'm not exaggerating, it's that alarming)! Everything was just bloody brilliant... literally. His use of pauses and paragraph breaks were super effective. Each line I read gives me chills! I was just so completely absorbed in his writing I'm almost swallowing the words whole.

I've not read a competent amount of Thriller novels in my life but I can tell that this is one of those books, the one you can rely on to wreck your brains out and keep you guessing. This is a book I think everyone should read. You don't have to love Sci-Fi or Thrillers, if you want a book that takes you on a severe mind-bending, trippy adventure, then please, by all means, do read this book. You've got nothing to lose, and I promise you that you'll end up just as amazed (and a teeny bit disturbed) as I am.

Thank you SO much to Crown Publishing for sending a copy over in exchange for an honest review! <3

if you're interested in buying Dark Matter, you can click here to shop the book at Book Depository - i receive a small commission if you use the link! :) 


September Book Haul!


Book Review: The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee