My Top 4 Reading Habits [2020]

Hello everyone! I'm back today with a post that covers all my reading habits! I thought it would be fun to go through my personal habits as a book blogger with you guys since I get asked about my reading lifestyle multiple times. This short post will hopefully give you guys a bit of inspiration on how to read books more efficiently, improve your relationship with reading in general, and perhaps integrate books and reading into your busy work life on a daily basis!

1. Setting The Scene

I like to get immersed in my surroundings, just like I do in the stories of the books that I'm reading! Lighting a candle, sitting in a park, or reading at a cafe can really enhance your reading experience! Look for a comfortable spot at home, make some tea, snuggle in your coziest outfit and get down to reading! Creating a lifestyle out of it could perhaps cultivate a reading habit. Make it something that you prioritise and look forward to everyday! Associate positive things with reading and you'll find nothing but joy when you pick up a book!

2. Consider Annotating Your Books

If you guys know me long enough, you would know that I annotate my books (dog ears, highlights, etc), but for the longest time I've considered annotating taboo and did not dare to "damage" my books by writing in it or dog-earring any pages. I found my love for annotating a couple years back and ever since then, reading has felt so different to me. I realise that I've been holding myself back this whole time by keeping my thoughts to myself, . Writing in my books has allowed me to openly interact with the story and connect with the characters better. Now I bring a pen and post-it note everywhere I go. It's a real game changer, you guys! Not only does it improve your reading experience, annotating actually helps you understand the stories better because you're actively engaging with the book rather than passively reading the words. Plus, you get to read through your annotations in the future if you decide to pick up the same book again in the future! It's always good fun doing this <3 (more on annotating books can be found in this blog post)

3. Different Modes of Reading

It goes without saying that many reserve a huge amount of time in a day to sit down and read a book, and this does not have to be the case! For example, the first thing you can do in the morning (instead of going through your phone/social media) is to take the time to read! If you can't normally focus on a physical book, consider trying out audiobooks! You can even put it on while you go through your morning routine. Leave it on for 30-60 minutes everyday for the rest of the week and you got yourself a solid reading habit!

I for one am able to listen to an audiobook while I'm working on a blog post, running errands around the city, commuting, or when I'm drawing on my Ipad for work! Sometimes I can finish a whole audiobook if I'm creating content or drawing all day! It's literally killing two birds with one stone, and it's amazing!

Additionally, ebooks are also great if you're constantly busy at home and only have time to read when you've wrapped everything up at night. I like to save ebooks for my nights, preferably right before going to bed. I'm always way too tired to read a physical book at night (and when I do find the need to pick one up, I can only go through so many pages before my eyes fail me and I start dozing off). In this case, ebooks are great alternatives as they are lighter in weight and, personally, are easier on the eyes. Transitioning between these three formats can really boost your reading game while still keeping up with your day to day schedule and tasks!

4. TBRs Aren't Always Your Friends

Having a set pile of books that you're determined to get through will only pressure you. It's great to have a selection of books to choose from, but don't let it get to your head that those are the ONLY options you get to have. Personally, I'd suggest picking a book based on your mood and not from your set TBR pile. In full transparency, I'd recommend dropping TBR piles completely. You don't want to treat reading like a chore and force yourself to read for the sake of proving to yourself that you can get through a pile of books in a short period of time, or fulfilling a monthly challenge. Reading should NOT come with any pressure. They're just books, and you're meant to enjoy them!

Thank you so much for getting through this fairly short post! I hope you enjoyed it and/or found it somewhat helpful :) Please feel free to ask me questions down in the comments, or message me personally! My DMs are always opened <3 Take care everyone :)

xx Cath


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