What's On My Desk (Essentials of a Writer, Reader, and Blogger)!

Hello everyone! A while back, I asked on Instagram if you guys wanted to see a what's on my desk/desk essentials type of blog post and the responses were all so positive! So today, I'm here to go through everything that's on my desk! :)

My desk is where I do most of my thinking and creating. It's a representation of the writer, blogger, and reader in me, and just like the constant changes made in my inspiration and creativity process, my desk is a space that also needs to be changed and altered constantly. The things that are on my desk each have their own personal meaning and reason as to why they are put on my desk in the first place. Each item also inspire me in different ways :)

Anywho, whether you're here to look for some desk inspiration or find out more about what's on my desk, thank you for joining me today! Let's jump right into the post!

Here is an overview of what my desk looks like! Some pretty generic things atop my desk include a laptop (this one's the MacBook Pro Retina 13-inch), a mug from Legami Milano, a stationery jar filled with pens and pencils that I brought home from all the different hotels and restaurants I visited, a couple of books, and a table lamp that was gifted to me! My table is from Ikea, and it's called TÄRENDÖ. I got the table for only $39 AUD, and it's great! Super sturdy and easy to assemble. You get a lot out of it for its price :)

Next up on my table is my typewriter! Her name is Venus (named after @lauramaria8386's suggestion on Instagram), and she's my baby <3 My mom and sister surprised me with her on my 19th birthday, and I can never get over how thoughtful this gift was :') I take my time to type something up, which is why I don't use it as often as I'd like to. However, looking at it makes me feel so happy, nostalgic, and inspired. That's why it's such a staple on my desk <3 I believe my family got this typewriter at a local Indonesian online store, but I'm sure you can find the exact same one on Amazon or Ebay :) This typewriter is the Olympia Traveller C if any of you were interested!

Next up is my gorgeous little dried flower dome that was also a birthday gift from my mom!! <3 This one's from Magnolia Bouquet, an Indonesian dried flower specialist on Instagram! My mom got this for my 20th birthday, and I loved that she told me she wanted to get me something "everlasting" and alive! My mom is the cutest I swear <3 The colors of the flowers are absolutely gorgeous, and everything about it looks so magical and ethereal! I will think of my mom every time I look at this little glass dome :')

This is my very first self-purchased plant baby! The one on the left is Erik, and Mia is on the right! I put them on my desk because because I wanted something that could grow along with me :) A little cheesy, but it motivates me to work and strive for the best! I'm also sentimental over the fact that I found them by accident, got them at a really good price, and decided to name them :') Now I'm just way too attached!

Now we have the prints! These prints (and the poster frames) were generously gifted to me by Desenio, and each print has a personal meaning to me. Each of them inspire, motivate, and tell a story. The Spanish Alley poster reminds me of one of my favorite books (The Shadow of The Wind), The Letter poster resonates a lot with me and my life, The Old Train poster is very calming and pretty to look at, and the Night Fox poster staring longingly at the moon reminds me of a very special someone <3 I can just stare at all of them all day!

I also have these headphones that were given to me by Sudio! I tend to switch around between these headphones and my regular wired Apple earphones, but these headphones are a huge plus because they are noise-cancelling and, of course, wireless :) I need them almost everytime I blog or study!

Next I have these cute thrifted ceramic knick-knacks that actually opens at the top! I store all my favorite rings and earrings in here just so they're easy to pop on when I'm on the go. I love the designs! They look so English and cute! :') These mainly serve as memorabilias from when I visited 3 in 1 Market, a huge Antique market that happens in Perth twice a year!

I also have my trusty journal with me on my desk! This one's from Papermark.id, and it's my new 2020 blogging/daily journal! I use my journal almost daily for both blogging and personal reasons :) I've been journaling for about four years now, and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon! I love anything to do with journaling, so having a journal near me is very important! If you're interested to read more about my journal, check out this blog post here!

Lastly I have my must-have journaling essentials! Aside from post-it notes, I like to use these little notepads to jot down all my important pointers for when I journal or study. I also love my Page Anchor! It prevents my books and journals from closing AND it's beautiful! I'm obsessed. I bring it around with me all the time!

That's all I have for today! Thank you so much for sticking through till the end :') I hope this post inspired and/or helped you in some way!! x

Until next time,

xx Cath


All The Book Series I Want To Start/Finish In 2020!


100K+ Instagram Followers (a loooong reflection)