My Year In Reading (not all the books yet all of the books)

Since we're approaching the end of the year, I thought I'd reflect on what my year in reading has looked like so far! This year has been the busiest year for me (in terms of university and work-related stuff), what with balancing being a full-time university student, having a part-time job and finding the time to update my blog and Instagram. I also receive a lot of questions on my reading habits, so maybe this will clear things up a little bit, for you guys :)

I'll start by saying that I've been reading less and less each year. Maybe it's a time management thing, but I won't lie - reading hasn't been the same for me ever since I've started to take on more books from publishers and author. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to receive FREE books from around the world AND have a platform where I can voice all my thoughts and reviews. However, it can get a little overwhelming, especially when I get too excited and say yes to all the bookish campaigns and promotions. :/

I guess we are all aware of the popular recommendation that readers who are busy are suggested to make time to read before bed, but I often find myself getting super drowsy the moment I reach my bed, and I just cannot muster up the strength to get past 10+ pages of a book. Reading while commuting is great too, but I'm finding it really hard to focus on my book (while on the bus) because of how crowded and loud it can get. Ebooks are definitely an option too, but most of the books I want to read I already own in physical form (which is honestly a dumb excuse, but I much prefer reading physical books over ebooks, even when I'm on a tight schedule). Audiobooks are also a bit of a problem for me because on one hand, they are an amazing commute alternative, but they put me in such a sleepy mood :( There just seems to be no way for me to get any reading done with my packed schedule! Hence why I am sooo behind on my Goodreads reading schedule (10 books behind, to be exact).

I have participated in the Goodreads challenge for a good five years now, and I was able to read way more books in 2016 and 2017 than I have set on for myself for the Goodreads challenge.

here's a fun when where i set 80 books for the year and reached 60, and I was SO bummed out xD

Seeing my past reading challenges has made me beat myself up for not reading as much as I have in the past. It's just a little sad to see how little I'm reading due to my inability to manage my time better, and university and work may not really be an excuse (lots of people can still make time to read tons of books even with a busy lifestyle)! On the bright side though, I haven't felt any pressure to read at all this year, which makes any spare time I get so worthwhile, because whenever I do have time to read, I actually want to read. Granted I read way less by waiting until I have some (pretty much non-existent) free time on my hands, each book I read ends up being an amazing one, and it's all because I make sure I only read when I feel like it. So there's a little silver lining here! Despite reading so little due to my busy schedule, I am very much enjoying the fact that I am not forcing myself to read ALLLL the books this year. Instead, I am taking my time to read the books I actually want to read!

So far this year I've only managed to read 15 books (out of my goal of 30 books), all of which I've enjoyed and given at least a 3 star rating. On top of that, 8 of the books has become a favorite of mine! I've never felt more content with the books I've read, so I guess I can say that I am somewhat grateful for my busy schedule :')

This year, I've not fallen into a reading slump, read books that I genuinely want to read, and immensely enjoyed more than half of them, so the verdict is: I am very pleased with my progress and this mindset that I have learned to adapt (that is, not to force myself to read all. the. time, even if it's my job to as a book reviewer/blogger/content creator). The beauty in reading is to remember that your books are not going anywhere, so take your time to read each one of them! My number one tip is to never make reading a chore. Treat books as an escape and you will get one :) We're reaching the end of the year, so I hope you all take things slow, read and enjoy all the amazing books that you've been meaning to read!

xx Cath


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