Book Review: Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff

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Title: Aurora Rising

Author: Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman

Rating: 4/5 stars

Release date: 

Publisher: Allen & Unwin

Goodreads Synopsis:


This book was an unexpected wild ride. Considering I loved the duo's first Illuminae Files novel, I was still not very hopeful about Aurora Rising. It's a Sci-Fi novel after all, and I am not one to reach out for the genre very much (at all, actually). But boy did I have fun reading this! 

I live for banters and sarcastic brawls. One of my favorite narratives has to be one that sounds witty and clever, and this book was just brimming with characters who portrayed this sort of voice. The "Squad" trope was done so beautifully. The concept of an unlikely group of people with their own quirks, flaws, and strengths bonding together is just so wholesome. It reminds me a lot of Pitch Perfect for some reason. You grow to love every one of the members. Each character has something to offer to the table that gives them their own essence and keeps the story flowing. Their friendship is just so pure and wholesome! <3 

Personally, the reason why this story is such a big win for me is because the trope was enhanced even more by the duo's effortless writing. Judging from the smooth flow of the narrative (with all its sassy and action-packed glory), it seems like the authors had fun writing the story. It's got a complex world-building aspect, but the story reads quick, easy and fun! Honestly, anything with good humour, feisty females, and a whole lot of sass is always a winner in my book Besides the spunky tone of the narrative, the duo prove to be quite the storytellers. I can visualise the world that they are trying to create so perfectly.

Personally, it's a charming book that will entertain you and makes sure you get attached to each character. It doesn't have a lot of depth to it yet, but I"m sure the sequel will seal up those holes. I had so much fun reading this book. I highly recommend it (even if you're not a fan of Sci-Fi) if you're in the mood for something entertaining and quick! 

Thank you Allen & Unwin for the free copy!

if you're interested in buying Aurora Rising, you can click here to shop the book at Book Depository - i receive a small commission if you use the link! :) 


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