Fictional Boyfriend Tag ♡

 Fictional Boyfriend Tag by Rachel Reads on Youtube! One that introduces all my fictional boyfriends to you guys xD

The Most Romantic Boyfriend


(credit to tumblr! i'm not sure who the owner is but if you do please let me know!)

Most probably Jest from Heartless <3

The Dark and Moody Bad Boy with a good side

Maybe Victor from Killing Sarai? :twisted:

The Paranormal Boyfriend

I don't know very many paranormal books, but maybe Akiva from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy?

The Boyfriend You want to tame

Tamlin from ACOTAR! I love him but there are just some things I want to know into that head of his..

The Boy you Friend-zoned

Peter Kavinsky from To All The Boys I've Loved Before. He's that really chill, playful type of friend who you can never take seriously.

Your Soulmate


(credits to the author of the book herself! :D )

Miles from Made You Up. I love everything about him ugh. <3

The Boyfriend You Would Elope With


(credits to LauraHollingsworth on deviantart!)

Thorne from The Lunar Chronicles!

The Boyfriend You Would venture anywhere with


(credits to merwild on Tumblr and DeviantArt! )

Rhysand from the ACOTAR series <3

The Boyfriend You Want to be stranded on an island with

Jamie from A Love Letter To Whiskey. He can teach me how to surf maybe XD

The Most Bad Ass Boyfriend


(credits to Merwild on Tumblr & DeviantArt!)

Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows, hands down.

Cath xx


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