How To Read More

I get loads of question asking me how I have the time to balance book blogging, handling a Bookstagram account and reading all at the same time - and though I do make time for all three, I have to admit it can be a struggle! But once you learn how to manage your time, it'll become a routine and somehow you'll be able to squeeze in some reading time in between your hectic schedules (hopefully) xD


Ebooks over Physical books!

I am a massive fan of physical books and I prefer them over ebooks, hands down. But when it comes down to making time to read, ebooks are generally much easier to get to. Why? Well, first of all they're portable. Sure you can bring around physical books, but you got to admit that they are a handful to lug around, especially when they are hardbacks. They might be beautiful, but honestly that's pretty much it. The story you carry around in your ibooks/ebooks isn't any different to the one in your hardback copy.

Tell me you don't bring your electronic devices everywhere you go. Let's say you just got an emergency call saying you need to be at a hospital for a check up. Alright, so you get in line, write your name down and sit. And wait. Now what do you do? You had no idea you were going to be waiting for an hour in a room, so you didn't bring a book with you. Well, you can just pull out your phone and start reading! Stock up on ebooks while you can, you never know when you're going to read your next digital book.


Priorities and Time Management

Lots of people I know who says they never have time to read actually has time to read, but they choose to spend that time watching Anime/Netflix :twisted: and well, that's okay, really! But if you want to make time to read, set your priorities straight! Ask yourself what is making you read less. Is it cause your bookshelf is in another room and your TV remote is only two feet away from you? Or maybe you're in a book slump? Be realistic! Also, do some compromising! Put a pile of books next to your reading nook, make yourself a nice warm drink, maybe some light snacks (I like to have tea and some chocolate crackers <3 ), set your bum down on your bed and start reading. You can even make a schedule - three nights of reading and three nights of watching. There are so many possibilities, everything just falls down to whether or not you know how to organise yourself.


Books from publishers

Most of us readers are book reviewers and we get sent books to review sometimes. Here's the thing: you don't have to review every single one of them. If you can, then great! That's amazing! Keep doing it! You're not only helping out publishers, you're increasing traffic and stats in your social media as well. But some of us aren't able to read at lightning speed or have the time to review three books in a week, and that's fine! If you requested a bunch of books, just pick the most interesting book out of the pile and start reviewing. If you get sent unsolicited books? Then don't worry about them. You're not obligated to review every single book that gets sent your way. Do not make reading books feel like a chore. You're suppose to enjoy them!


Join read-a-longs/book marathons!

If you're a Bookstagrammer like me, you always want to be a part of the activities that happens in the community, and lots of people like to host read alongs and book marathons, all of which are great ways to get you motivated to read more books. Why? Because you get to chat with friends while reading them, cry over them together, swoon and scream in frustration together. How great is that?! And once you're finished, you get to discuss them and it's just so nice to have people to talk books with. You can also join book clubs as they're kind of the same thing. Joining these bookish events doesn't only eradicate books fro your TBR pile and make you read more, they also help you discover new books, authors, friends and favorites!

Sorry I've only four tips for you guys but I hope they're helpful! I've been using these techniques for as long as I can remember and they've helped me with rekindle my love for books and reading every time <3 Sometimes you just forget how amazing reading is, you know? Anyways, thanks for reading! Have a great day everyone!

Cath xx


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