Perks of Being a Bookworm!

I've been a reader of books for about 3 years (5 if I include my Roald Dahl/Rainbow Magic days xD ) and it's safe to say that I am a proud one. Yes, I get teased and made fun of for being a huge nerd, but what is there to be ashamed of? Bookworms rock, and here are a few several reasons why: 

1. We learn new things

Exhibit A: Once in English class we were playing this trivia game where basically the teacher asks a question and the class (divided into groups) has to answer it. The question goes: How many teeth does a mosquito have? And a fellow friend, who is also an avid reader, answered without a second thought: 47 teeth. The teacher, pleasantly surprised, asked: How did you know? And she replied simply: I read it from a book.Exhibit B: We are able to explore, learn and understand controversial topics such as LGBTQ, gender identity, race and culture from the fictional stories we read. Thus, we are aware of the social issues that goes along with it. Books influence people just as much as society does.Exhibit C: Diverse books can sometimes mean diverse authors, so we learn more about their culture through their books!

so BOOM. Point one to Booknerds. B-)


2. We escape reality and enter a whole new different world :star:

People always tell me: You have movies to do that for you! And yes, while I do agree that movies are a form of Fictional escape (and are much more preferred amongst the majority of my acquaintances), it is pretty short lived. I'm a movie enthusiast myself and am by no means one of those bookworms who always, ALWAYS prefers the book over the movie. But I, for one, truly believe that books are far more memorable than movies. The thing is, books are way more detailed than movies would ever be. And you know what? These little details actually matter. We get to read the thoughts and feelings of a character in books while you only get to watch their actions and what they say on the big screen. And that, my friends, will evoke completely different emotions on both the watcher and the reader.


3. We get this giddy feeling when a person turn to you for book recommendations

Ahh I love it when this happens. Friends, siblings, strangers and even teachers turn to me for book recommendations. I think it's the thought of having a person to fangirl with that comes with this euphoric feeling. Only a few of my friends are readers, and even then we don't exactly share the same taste in books. So having someone pick up, reading and actually liking a book I recommend makes my heart swell with joy, because hey, who wouldn't want a friend whom you can cry over angsty fictional characters with?


4. We get to fantasize over owning your own library

C'mon, even non-readers wouldn't mind having a reading nook/shelves filled with books they're never going to read. Some people build them for the aesthetic, and others for the joy of reading. And me? Well, as a Bookstagrammer, you gotta have the best of both worlds. Plus, I've had tons of ideas on my library set-up. I'll have a wardrobe that leads me to my very own library where my pet dragons and owls will be waiting for me. A rustic, wooden table for my potions and magic tools, towers of books to be read and a huge fireplace accompanied by a reading chair. *dreamy sigh*, then again, that's just my fantasy ^^'


5. We get to join all these different fandoms and people relate to you on another level

It might seem pretty sad, but I've made more friends online than I have in real life. And you know what? I've never been more grateful than anything. Yes, I'm talking about the Bookstagram community, and of course the bookish fandoms that goes along with it. The people I've discovered are cool, smart, funny, nerdy and they don't roll their eyes, shake their head or shudder at the thought of books. Yes, I think I've hit the jackpot. Yes, I am so very lucky I found them and yes, I am so very proud to be apart of them.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post! What are the perks of being a bookworm to you? I'd love to know!

Have a nice day!

Cath xx


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