Bookish Journal Updates #5 ♡
Hey everyone! I'm reallyyyy sorry for my absence. Exams just ended and I only have one week of school left before my Summer holiday! *cue confetti* Anyways it's time for another round of journal updates! This will consist of journal entries from the first half of journal no.2 and I'll be making a separate post once the second half is done! Watch out for that ;) Anyways let's jump straight into my entries! (be prepared.. i have 20+ to show you :o ) First entry! I wrote about how excited I was to begin my new journey with a new journal! I also started watching a few episodes of Ouran that night and had some sushi. T'was a great day <3
An end-of-the-month spread! I was so excited for September because of the books and more importantly the warm weather! :p
So I was studying one day and I was looking up classical music to help me concentrate when I 'stumbled' upon Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake theme. None of his works are new to me but I actually never give any of them a complete listen, and when I did that day I FELL IN LOVE <3 Lake In The Moonlight is still in my playlist to this day and it's just as beautiful every time I listen to it <3
One of those 'de-stress yourself' spreads I do VERY often. I was entering my last two weeks of school before term break started and I was having none of it. :lol: I also discovered Twinings tea and was completely obsessed with it!
On this specific week I received a package everyday of the week and I just had to write an entry about it! I talked about how grateful and thankful I was to all the publishers who sent me such delightful books I also included paper trinkets to go with the entry <3
I finished watching Ouran that day and I just couldn't contain my FEEELS <3 It was my very first Contemporary Anime and I loved everything about it! I had a theme going on for this entry included a green Ghibli postcard and a letter <3
Another bookmail entry <3 If you can't tell, bookmails make me really happy :p I journal each time I receive a package in the mail and I try my best to keep any stamps/tracking numbers to put in my journal. Oh and I'm pretty sure I received my very first TheBookDepository mail! It was an exciting day :D
This was when I felt pretty upset over a test I worked really hard on. I found a Daruma Doll sticker I bought not too long ago and I decided to put it in this entry. I remember I looked up the meaning of a Daruma Doll and it's suppose to bring you luck and good fortune (?) can't say for sure, that's what I found online though! I was being philosophical while writing this entry as you can tell with all the wise quotes and symbolism ^^'
This was a music entry I did for Aerosmith's 'Dream On'! I was obsessed with the song for a while so I wrote down the lyrics on my journal :D And those dried leaves/petals are a pest! They look nice but they fall everywhere! :roll:
I wrote an entry for when my mom sent me postcards all the way from Europe <3 She went on a trip for two-months and travelled non-stop! She sent letters and my sister (who's a deltiologist) received some of the most gorgeous postcards ever! <3
I decided to gather up postcards I've received and compile them in one journal entry and I love how it turned out! I made a little envelope and it fits all the letters I received from my family and friends :)
This was for when I was feeling 'stressed out' because of school and so I drew a rocket (based off of twenty-one pilot's lyrics hehe ^^' ) and the bird was dedicated to Pottermore releasing a Patronus quiz in which I got a blackbird :D
I received more lovely postcards in the mail from my family and I couldn't really think of anything else to put in the other page so I started doodling some random pictures of letters and envelopes ^^'
This entry was for when I discovered a lovely little cafe not too far from where I live. I wrote and drew while sipping on what I thought was the most delicious hot chocolate ever! Also a friend of mine showed me around her art class the following day and I thought it was seriously the most magical thing ever , so I couldn't help but journal about that too<3
Any Ghibli fans? ;) I watched 'The Tale of Princess Kaguya' in the weekend and everything was so brutally heart wrenching :'( It was beautiful though! Everything was so well done and the story just hits you like a bullet train. So so good <3
My September favorites! I discovered LOADS of Anime films and I also found a book to put in my 'favorites of 2016'!
You know the drill. When I'm obsessed with something, I journal about it. I discovered yet another Anime and I love everything about it! It's called 'Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun' and it's a rom-com with the most unique characters! There are so many memorable quotes but this one happens to be my favorite <3
Pretty self-explanatory! I watched Miss Peregrine's in cinemas, had lunch in a lovely cafe, and got caught in the rain on the way back home. Yep. fun. :/ It was quite a spontaneous day out with my sister though! We laughed it out when we were soaked under the rain and had some tea later that night :D
This was for when BTS' Boy Meets Evil trailer dropped and I freaked out so bad I just had to write about it. Or in this case, draw :D I'm not too fond of how it turned out but I can't deny how badass the wings look >:D
I just finished watching Kotoura-san and thought it was the cutest thing ever! This entry says otherwise but it's a feel good contemporary that I feel like everyone will enjoy <3
I started writing stories again online and I particularly liked one part of the story I wrote and so I couldn't help but handwrite them down on paper... that I burned.. yeah. The things I do for my journal ^^'
There are spoilers in this entry so read at your own risk! I finished reading It Ends With Us by CoHo at 5 am in the morning and the feelings stayed with me throughout the morning so I had to write them out. It was an enjoyable read! I'm not a big fan of CoHo but some of her books are actually REALLY realistic and raw. I highly recommend them!
Another Tonari No Kaibutsu Kun entry! This has become my favorite anime of all time. I've lost count on the number of times I've re-watched the first episode (because that's when everything happened. Everything escalates really quickly and then the story slows down as you watch each episode. SO GOOD). On the right I talked about discovering a new Anime series called 'Nijiiro Days' and I ended up reaaally liking it! A light and fluffy Anime. highly recommend it!
I was very fascinated with Japanese after watching so many Anime shows. I wish to learn more in the coming Summer holidays and I started noting down simple words to practice on a daily basis. On the right is my short review of Kimi No Nawa, my favorite Anime Film of 2016 <3
Final entry! I talked about a new film I was watching in which music played a huge part in and also BTS' new album that was just released! Alright that's it for this journal update! I hope you had fun reading through the meaning behind all my entries as much as I did writing them :) I'll have more journal entries to share with you guys soon! Also, if you guys follow me on Instagram, you should know that I bought a new journal! And it's glorious <3 my current one only has a bit over 5 pages left so once that's done I'll jump straight into my new one. Can't wait to write more entries <3 Have a lovely day everyone!