Bookish Journal Updates #3: Diary Entries ♡

Hey there everyone! It's been a while since I've uploaded a new blogpost but things have been really hectic lately and I haven't been in the mood to read much :/ But I'm here today to talk about a new journal theme I'm implementing in my reading journal.

So lately I've been writing a lot in my journal. I write about the songs I'm currently obsessed with, how school went for me that day, a book I'm currently reading. Whatever it was that I did that day, I record it. And it's been reaaaally therapeutic for me

I posted a few pictures on my instagram where I included some of my recent entries:

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This was my very first diary entry and it was during the release day of The Cursed Child :') It was such an amazing day. I can always go back to it and read about the excitement all over again <3


I sorta had a rough day when I did this entry so I guess you could say the drawings depict my emotions :') Buuut I also talked about an anime film I had just finished watching and how aWESOME it was. You know what they say, with every rain comes a rainbow :)

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Here's my latest entry! I talked about writing a story and visiting some of my favorite thrift stores. I always doodle to highlight the topic of my entry, it's always more expressive that way.

I'm sorry for the inevitably short blogpost. I shared this idea on Instagram and thought I'd  write a more detailed post on it. I hope this inspires you write your own entries! Documenting moments of your life is the best way to store a memory. You can look back to it whenever you want and it's honestly the best thing ever <3

Have a great day everyone!


A Guide to Journaling for Beginners


Book Review: Maggie's Kitchen by Caroline Beecham