Bookish Journal Updates #2: ANGSTY MUCH?

Heeey everyone! It's time for yet another journal update! I've been watching lots of films lately so that means more doodles :D Keep in mind that I am by no means a professional artist (you'll see what I mean), I'm doing this merely for the fun of it all and to share them with you all. I also intend to fill these pages with memories of my favorite films and books so that one day I can look back to it. :)


Yes yes I'm aware that I spelled 'unexpected' wrongly /sobs but the owl turned out cute though? :lol: I taped a piece of scrap paper to make the page look like there's a little pocket sticking out of it where I can fill all my letters in! This way I can just slip out each card and re-read them anytime I want. Also I'm pretty much obsessed with this washi tape! It came with another roll but I've not used it yet.

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So there's this film I found by accident called 'Hotarubi no Mori e' and man did that film left a dent in me. It was barely 50 minutes long guys, but it was breathtaking. I tried really hard to draw the characters but alas...

I am quite happy with how it turned out though!

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A page of lyrics! I was OBSESSED with the Disney Soundtrack for Princess and The Frog, Dig a Little Deeper being one of my absolute favorite. Every time the music come on I think of the scene in the movie where they actually sang it. The lyrics are absolutely beautiful as well. I'm telling you, it's pure magic!

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Another movie I'm totally obsessed with! I watched Wolf Children a few months back and I only just had the time to get around to making a dedication page for it. This time I colored in the drawings by shading them. I also thought the text under the wolf with pencil outlines made it look 'scratchy', so I left it that way. It's safe to say that the film has become possibly my favorite movie ever! Tears, laughter, smiles.. you name it, this film is sure to bring it out of you.

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So I joined a Poetry/Creative Writing Club in my school and I love it! I use to love creative writing when I was younger but because of school and the amount of workload I get I stopped making up stories and writing them out, so I decided to be a part of this little community where I can motivate myself to get back into writing. Knowing this, the teacher actually recommended the Creative writing students to try Poetry. And if you were wondering, no I've never actually read a proper poem before, neither have I ever written one. BUT I tried anyway and this is what I got. I'm not sure what to feel about it but my main idea is to reflect the poem with the attitudes of society today. It started out on a piece of used paper and it is now presented in my journal as my first ever written poem. The drawing of the girl isn't part of the poem but I thought it had a nice touch to it.

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I have @Cherry to thank for this page

I hope this somewhat inspires you to maybe start your own journal where you can fill in all your amazing doodles? :D Do you keep your own journal? If so what do you write in it?




Roald Dahl: A Hero